What is the difference between Francis Tuttle and other educational institutions?
- Francis Tuttle is part of the Oklahoma CareerTech system. We provide advanced career and technology training, in partnership with high schools and community colleges that grant credit for coursework completed at Francis Tuttle.
How does Francis Tuttle keep training relevant to industry needs?
- Francis Tuttle instructors work closely with industry partners through advisory groups to provide input regarding the type of training and skills we teach to ensure you're more employable when your training is complete.
Do you provide industry certifications?
- Many of our programs provide training to help you prepare for certification exams. These certifications prove to industry that you have the skills employers want. You will be able to walk into any organization ready to work, immediately proving your value.
Will I have to spend multiple years training at Francis Tuttle?
- No. Our programs allow you to get the skills you need quickly. Compared to other educational institutions, you can complete your program at an accelerated rate. Our program-based instruction helps you move through career majors as quickly as you choose. Most programs can be fully completed in ten months or less.
Does Francis Tuttle offer flexible enrollment and start dates?
- Francis Tuttle has many opportunities for you to enroll and start your chosen career program. We are able to provide open-entry enrollment because of our program-based instruction. Please visit with an advisor for exceptions. Full-time students attend weekdays from 8 a.m. to 10:55 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. to 3:25 p.m. Part-time students may attend either the morning, afternoon, or evening session, depending on your career major.
Is Francis Tuttle affordable?
- Francis Tuttle offers affordable tuition rates. Payment plans and tuition assistance are available for students who qualify. Tuition is $2.20 per clock hours, times the number of hours in the career major. Tuition rates for out-of-state students are double normal tuition. For more information, please visit the Cost to Attend page.
When I finish my training at Francis Tuttle, will I get help finding a job?
- Yes. Francis Tuttle instructors work closely with employers in related career fields to help students find job opportunities upon completion. We also offer students access to Employ FT, a platform to explore open positions with our various business partners.
Are other classes offered at Francis Tuttle besides those listed under the career training options?
- Yes. Francis Tuttle offers individual classes, both online and on campus, plus continuing education for business and industry. Visit Lifelong Learning to search classes and descriptions.
I am interested in applying. How do I get started?
- Simply complete an online application and provide any required documentation. To speak with an advisor or an enrollment consultant please call 405.717.4900. Visit the Admissions Process page to get started.