A set of gears labeled strategy, mission, vision, and plan

Strategic Goals

Every year, Francis Tuttle reviews and accordingly adjusts its Strategic Goals.



Strategic goals drive the work we do.  This year we have developed a five-year strategic plan that will serve as our roadmap through fiscal year 2028.

Increase Access

  1. Francis Tuttle will increase programs and services for high school students to reflect a 23% service rate for partner school districts by FY 2028.
     Benchmark FY 25: We will increase high school enrollment by 1% for school year 2025. (FY 2024 Oct 1 Enrollment)

    Status: In Progress

  2. Francis Tuttle will provide traditional and alternative enrollment options to allow for a 20% increase in career training and WED open enrollment classes for adult student enrollments by FY 2028.
    Benchmark FY 24: Establish an adult enrollment process to include dropping no shows from open enrollment classes and implement an adult online application.

    Status: Benchmark 2024 Met

Program Development

  1. To ensure Francis Tuttle’s program and service development is reflective of the current and future needs of the local workforce, industry vertical program development will be fully implemented by FY 2028. Benchmark FY24:  We will identify a cross-functional task force to develop our first industry vertical and create a new process for program development. 

    Status: Benchmark 2024 Met

Student Success

  1. Francis Tuttle will implement a comprehensive academic intervention program by FY 2028 that provides prompt, appropriate, and effective support to students in literacy, math, technical skills and other academic areas necessary for success in career training programs to achieve at least 70% competency or have a measurable improvement of at least 20% in competencies related to these subjects. 
    Benchmark FY 2024: We will identify an assessment and a process to determine current skill levels of students and their personal plan for improving their skills. 

    Status: In Progress

  2. Francis Tuttle will focus on enhancing student proficiency in soft skills, workplace readiness, and interpersonal skills through communication, teamwork and problem-solving by 25% using activities that focus on communication, teamwork and problem-solving by FY 2028. 
    Benchmark FY24: We will identify a process to determine current skill levels of students and their personal plan for improving their skills. 

    Status: In Progress


Business and Industry Relationship Development

  1. Francis Tuttle will transform its business and industry relationship development to achieve a 30% increase in the number of businesses that utilize Francis Tuttle as their partner for workforce training, recruitment, and support services by FY 2028. Benchmark FY24: Establish a process to measure the number of businesses served for WED enrollment. (FY24-346 companies served).

    Status: Benchmark 2024 Met

  2. By FY 2028, using relationships with business and industry, Francis Tuttle will create high-performing advisory committees that will contribute valuable insights and guide our strategic decisions, resulting in improved outcomes across all aspects of our programs through best practices, including but not limited to:

    • committee participation (70% participation rate)
    • recruitment of new members (Invite 3 new members per year)
    • quality of information presented, and feedback attained during committee meetings (80% committee member satisfaction survey).
    • internal collaboration (100% participation between FT team members working in the same industry vertical)

    Benchmark FY 24: We will develop a set of criteria for high performing advisory committees. The criteria will be communicated and implemented by the Spring of 2024.

    Status: Benchmark 2024 Met

Marketing Awareness

  1. To increase depth of awareness through storytelling, Francis Tuttle will increase the number of published stories by 25% by June 30, 2028.
    Benchmark 2024: We will increase the number of published stories by 5%.  (FY 2023: 166 were published)

    Status: Benchmark 2024 Met

  2. To increase community awareness, Francis Tuttle will engage in 90 community service activities per year by June 30, 2028. (Examples: Host events on campuses, such as tire pressure checks, Boo Bash, Art Events, blood pressure checks, car shows, etc. Going out into the community, such as going to retirement homes for Veteran’s Day assemblies, Superhero Poster Project, etc.)
    Benchmark FY 24: We will increase the current number of activities by 5. (FY 2023 FT engaged in 70 community service activities)

    Status: Benchmark 2024 Met

Culture Development

  1. In a focused effort to achieve collaboration across all district teams, Francis Tuttle will experience problem-solving, decision-making, increase in efficiency, strengthen relationships, increase innovation and creativity, achieve collective ownership and improve organizational growth, as measured by an increase of at least 30% in cross-functional problem-solving initiatives by FY 2028.
    Benchmark FY 24: We will increase our documented collaborations across the district by 6%.  (FY 23: 75 collaborations)

    Status: Benchmark 2024 Met

  2. By FY 2028, Francis Tuttle will develop and implement a comprehensive recognition program that acknowledges both employees and students who demonstrate the core values of our organization, exhibit exceptional innovation in their endeavors, and achieve a high standard of excellence in their work.  

    Status: In Progress

Career Education

  1. By FY 2028, Francis Tuttle will work in collaboration with all elementary (51), middle (15) and high schools (10) in our six partner school districts to enhance career education activities that will support students along with parents, teachers, counselors, and administrators gain an understanding of careers and career pathways to make informed education choices that ultimately lead to the students’ preferred career field.
    Benchmark FY 24: We will increase collaboration with 4 Middle schools and 10 Elementary schools.

    Status: Benchmark 2024 Met

  2. Francis Tuttle will actively contribute to improving workforce participation by creating targeted outreach programs and events aimed at underrepresented groups, which include but is not limited to veterans, adults reentering the workforce, special populations, and previously incarcerated individuals by FY 2028.
    Benchmark FY 24: Identify current work being done in our community to support underrepresented groups and create partnerships to support future development of programs and services.

    Status: Benchmark 2024 Met