A Step Ahead in Nursing
Sara Abdullah was in the Pre-Nursing Program and then joined Project HOPE. Now, she's well on her way to achieving her college dreams.
Sara Abdullah
Alumni Class
My Dream
Become a Registered Nurse
"I never imagined you could do all of these things before even going to college. It really puts you a step ahead for when you go to nursing school because everything will feel familiar.”
There was a time when Sara Abdullah felt she couldn’t get what she wanted from her high school education. Francis Tuttle and Project HOPE changed all of that.
Now that she can thrive in a quieter, steady school environment, Sara is well on her way to achieving her college dreams even before graduating.
Sara, who was already attending Francis Tuttle’s Pre-Nursing program, joined Project HOPE this school year. She also had an interest in taking concurrent enrollment college courses, but her high school class schedule made that difficult.
Project HOPE allowed her to take college classes while completing credits for high school graduation. Sara is currently taking psychology through the University of Oklahoma, where she has also been accepted into the nursing program.
So far, learning phlebotomy, or drawing blood, has been Sara’s favorite activity in Francis Tuttle’s program.
“It feels like such a typical nursing thing to be able to do,” Sara said.
While Sara has not decided what type of nurse she wants to become, registered psychiatric nurse or ER nurse are two options she’s considering.
Through the Pre-Nursing program, students earn certifications that can lead directly to a job. Sara is exploring job opportunities at local healthcare systems, something she says she couldn’t have done without her experience at Francis Tuttle.
“I’ve already got my first certification, a CNA, and I’m going to get my AUA by the time I graduate,” Sara said. “The assignments are very hands-on, and you learn stuff that prepares you for nursing school, like how to take care of a patient, bedside manner, and medical terminology.”
Project HOPE is a program at Francis Tuttle that serves high school students who face challenges in completing their education. Some students are referred by their high school for the program because they need to catch up on class credits.
This was not the case for Sara, and many students are referred for various reasons. However, once they are in Project HOPE, students find the academic environment they need to succeed.
Some Project HOPE students, like Sara, can pursue college goals because of their dedication to keeping their educational dreams alive. Randa Pirrong, Principal of Project HOPE, said some students have visited college campuses as part of their studies.