Technology for the people
Digital Media Design student Samuel Maus wants to help with his IT knowledge

Samuel Maus
Digital Media Design
FT in One Word
Alumni Class
My Dream
Work in IT
In middle school and elementary school, I would code just for fun. I am definitely a computer guy, and I wanted to expand my creativity skills.
Samuel Maus has been a tech guy for as long as he can recall.
“Ever since I was a little kid, I’ve always been interested in technology,” he said. “In middle school and elementary school, I would code just for fun. I am definitely a computer guy, and I wanted to expand my creativity skills."
So he’s done that by enrolling in the Interactive Media program. Students are given the knowledge and tools, but the rest — such as how to complete a project and make it their own — is left up to them.
“This program provides more hands-on experience,” he said. “Before, I was just playing around. But this program has taught me more about how to properly use these skills. My favorite part is the environment. We’re a team and all help each other out. You have a chance to show off your skills to your classmates and others. It’s a chance to show what you’ve learned.”
And Maus is looking forward to a career of showing people what he’s learned, in hopes that they can learn it, too. Helping people overcome IT problems is something Maus said he enjoys.
“My dream job would be somewhere in IT,” Maus said. “I’ve always liked helping people with technology issues. In high school, I usually help teachers with the smartboards. I just enjoy helping people.”
This is reflected in his Skills Showcase project, where he designed from scratch a website dedicated to new about Apple. It’s a place where enthusiasts can gather, learn new things and share them with each other.
“I tried different designs and originally expanded on what I already knew,” he said. “I built multiple pages, made sure everything worked together. It could present a future job opportunity. Maybe I could help news channels with web optimization.”