Perspectives of Creativity
Interactive Media students demonstrate creativity every day, even by shrinking themselves down to fit inside a shoe.

Kit Elliott
Interactive Media
FT in One Word
Alumni Class
My Dream
Nature Photography
I like expressing my creativity in video form, because I think it’s one of the most expressive.
To show he could be a big-time video editor, Edmond North junior Kit Elliott made himself look really small.
Well, not really. It just looks that way.
Elliott’s green-screen video in which he puts himself inside a tiny shoe was a big hit in his Interactive Media class. Last year was the program’s first year, and it already brought the absolute best out of Francis Tuttle students.
“I enjoy the freedom,” Elliott said. “There’s a list of things you have to accomplish in each course, but you can kind of go about them in any way you please.”
Instructor Christy Whitfield gives students the tools and guidelines, but lets them exercise their creativity to complete assignments. The task that put Elliott inside a shoe was called “shrink or float,” and students had to either shrink themselves down or make themselves float using multimedia magic.
“You have to match the color of the green screen video and background video,” Elliott said while describing his newfound shrinking superpower. “Lighting is the most important thing, both on yourself and on the green screen.”
Getting creative with video is what brought Elliott to Interactive Media in the first place.
“I like expressing my creativity in video form, because I think it’s one of the most expressive,” he said. “It isn't only visually expressive, but also through sound. Even in film, sound and music are very important. It frames everything together in one medium.”
Students like Elliott get to work on the latest top-of-the-line software to hone their skills for future endeavors, in class and later as employees. Elliott said he is interested in using video to explore the world.
“Getting these certifications will greatly help me land a job soon after I graduate. The work I’d really like to do is in film, or possibly traveling the world on a camera crew or while doing nature or wildlife photography.”
You can see what the Interactive Media students create on their very active social media pages by following them on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.